Flannel Fleet Logging LLC

Buyer of Standing Timber and Wooded Land

Manufacturer of Pallet Material


Flannel Fleet Logging LLC is a family owned business that is operated by Jimmy Thums and his father, Russ Thums.  Our company is a combination of years spent logging, trucking and building relationships with local pulp mills.  Both Jimmy and Russ work together to ensure that your timber is harvested and transported in a timely manner while providing the most competitive prices for your timber stumpage.  Working with Flannel Fleet Logging LLC will ensure that your forest is managed in a sustainable manner while upholding the integrity of your forest.    

Flannel Fleet Logging LLC can meet all of your forest management needs

Wood Contracts

We have been working with county and private foresters for over 20 years to ensure wood contracts are completed in a timely fashion.  We work side by side with foresters to protect the integrity of the forest.  

We have built a solid reputation by following best management practices.  In addition to working with consulting foresters, we also work directly with landowners to obtain the most profitable harvest of their timber.  We strive to provide stumpage payments that are timely and competitive.


With years of experience in logging, trucking and contracts Flannel Fleet Logging LLC can ensure that you timber is transported as efficiently as possible. 

Flannel Fleet Logging LLC works closely with its sister company, Jimmy Trucking LLC, to ensure that your wood gets moved promptly to the mill.

Jimmy Trucking, LLC  has been in business for over 18 years.  Jimmy Trucking LLC has three of its own trucks and works seamless with other trucking companies to assure your wood is not sitting on the landing.

Pallet Manufacturing

In January of 2023, Flannel Fleet Logging LLC opened up a saw mill for pallet stock manufacturing.  With its current capabilities, we are able to manufacturer pallet deck boards, cants, and stringers.  

The implementation of the saw mill has allowed Flannel Fleet Logging LLC to come full circle in its ability to assist its customers.  From contracts to cutting to transportation to manufacturing-Flannel Fleet Logging LLC is here to assist you in your forest management needs.


A family run business, you can expect to be treated as family.